Come on. Does anyone really consider what we see on TV, the ones showing females running around playing basket ball, Soccer, even wrestling and boxing, as the Pros, in the same league as men's sports showing real professionals showing the best talent competing with the best in the same category as the so called professional women teams or individuals? Lets be honest, just because some female tries to mimic the moves, actions, mannerism etc, of a man doesn't make them men and certainly doesn't put them into the same class as a professional man. Now now now, don't get you panty's in a binder, lets just be honest and admit that we all have been brain washed, conditioned and intimidated into buying into that nonsense and afraid to admit the truth. And if we are afraid to admit the truth here and we keep going along with this lie how many other lies have we bought into and gone along with that is destroying our society and country? Lots that's how many. If women are serious about equality and fairness and honesty between the genders they should demand the end to women's sports, preferential treatment, lying about what they can and can't do, wasting billions of taxpayer dollars going to those fake programs and insist on only one real professional team, teams and positios where men and women compete for those positions under the same rules, standard of performance and demands for all, men and women.
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