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- PoliticsAfter decades in public service, service where at on time only the best Highest Qualified would be given those jobs. I seen that go from the best to todays workforce, especially the federal level, of the worse, most incompetent, dysfunctional, dishonest cowardly the country can produce, They are essentially traitors to the country, basically domestic terrorist and doing the country and us all serious harm. More so than our outside enemies and terrorist could ever do. It's now the entitled to victim preferential treatment and political appointees. They are not just wasting hundreds of billions, trillions of dollars but doing damage to us that no amount of dollars can ever fix. Not just to the environment, our economy, making us vulnerable to our enemies outside our borders but literally killing Americans like no war or conflict could ever do. Yes, EPA is one culprit. SSA, social security Admin. is another denying citizens who worked hard all their lives the benefits they earned for personal reasons and because more goes into their pockets, pockets already full or tax payer dollars they didn't earn or could possibly earn if they actually did their jobs. All these agencies are grossly over loaded with incompetent misfits, losers and corrupt cowards. While claiming they need more corrupt people to do the job and bigger budgets so they can do more harm. One of the worse agencies, grossly over staffed and a budget that is obscene who operate as if they are part of a dictatorship is the IRS. Congress in its' infinite flawed wisdom allowed it to hire another 80 thousand employees who are worse than terrorist and traitors. Whoever hired them must have waited outside prisons and jails for them to be released. Crooked to the core. They illegally alter citizens tax returns making it appear they owe unpaid taxes ect., harass citizens, send threatening letters and target those they figure will be to intimidated afraid or ignorant not to send in more of their hard earned dollars, ie, retirees, the elderly less educated etc., Many who might have health problems and die as a result of this harassment and criminal abuse. Some who may already be stressed to the extreme already for financial reasons or others who decide to take it out on others. Those IRS employees and managers/supervisors should be charged with assault and accessory to murder should that happen. At the very least those gov't employees should be required to make restitution to citizens they abuse and it should come out of their pockets not paid by the tax payer. Like the military does with military personnel who act dishonorably or illegally, It progresses higher the higher the offense to include, fines, demotion, cut in pay firing and even prison. Just like the military gov't employees are responsible to the citizens and should be held accountable to the max. Traitor and domestic terrorist is exactly what they are. What did Trump propose? An agency or group to investigate waste fraud and other illegal conduct in gov't agencies. Long over due.
- PoliticsApparently the first amendment to our constitution doesn't mean much to those who pretend to be the watch dogs of this site. Didn't like my comparison of Donald Trump and Kamala (the clown) Harris and their particular abilities, character traits and success in life or lack there of. All true and true facts but apparently those on the left in this site are afraid of the truth.
- PoliticsJust one example, ABC's so called journalist Mary Bruce, and others like Mary Allis Parks, better add Johnathan Karl show their extreme liberal bias for democrats and especially Kamala the clown and dislike, more like a fear of Trump when reporting on their campaigns. Mary Bruce gives a glowing summary of Kamala, like she's her campaign director, then puts the clown's video on the TV screen where Kamala shows her big toothy fake smile and basically says all the glowing, (albeit phony) warm fuzzy things she thinks will BS people, con them, and no one will ever realize she's basically an idiot, been on the tax payer take her whole life, got preferential treatment rode the tax payer gravy train based on gender, and her fake/lies that she is black and Asian, a triple preferential treatment, go to the head of the line even though you didn't earn an special treatment. All her life she was that way and all her jobs were tax payer paid and never really required her to produce anything of value, only used tax dollars to push her personal agenda and gains. But isn't that totally typical of all liberals, democrats and socialist who are communist.. That female is anything but qualified for the Presidency or any leadership position. Trump is light years ahead of her on everything. But liberals all have a death wish and will vote for her loser butt even knowing she will bring them all down too like the rest of the country.