The socialist/communist left, democrats have destroyed our judicial system and turned it into a process that now resembles now what the communist, Nazis dictators and tyrants and the Monarch system we threw our of this country in the 1700's and was used to attack anyone that they felt threatned by because they wouldn't go along with the corrupt and abusive system they created.
The Jack Smiths, special counsel for the Biden administration, democrats, Bragg another preferential treatement recipient the N.Y. attorney general and the Alanta Ga. DA (attornies) all going after Trump because he threatens their corrupt control of the now defunct judicial stystem and they can use it and tax dollars as they see fit to eleminate him and anyone else who stands up to them and their sick agenda.
They stack juries, they ensure only losers like them get picked for jury duty, judges silence anyone with the courage to tell it like it is and say the truth about them with "gag" orders, never mind the constitution etc. They lie about their motives and justifications and since the system is so corrupt full of corrupt and incompetent people like them they get away with it. Our Supreme Court is stacked with losers, preferential treatement individuals who got college degrees they didn 't and couldn't earn using taxpayer dollars, got positions like the supreme court judge positons they aren't qualified for either personally or professionally by Biden and others who care nothing about the country, our constitution the judicial system and want a rubber stamp on the supreme court to push their corrupt and destructive criminal agenda. Of course people like Sotomayor, Kegan, Jackson, put in the Supreme court by extreme left socialist/communist democrats are going to violate the law, our constitution for Biden and to ensure that they continue to get unconsitutional preferential treatment.
Trump is the only one of them who is worthy of being called an American and who this country seriously needs in the highest leadership position in the nation. We need to start holding the left, Biden, those using the system and destroying it for their personal benefit and to push their agenda accountable and put the real judicial system to work against them.