We have seen nothing but total corruption and failure after failure during the Biden administration and the radical left under the democratic party that has destroyed our economy, put every incompetent loser and crook in charge of our federal agencies as political payoffs and based also on gender preference, racial payoffs, sexual preference with the intent that they will get those groups to vote for them in the future elections. Never mind that they are destroying the country and our society as a whole. Tax dollars go to their special programs that benefit no one but them while hurting honest citizens and taxpayers.
Prices have gone through the roof, those on fixed incomes who worked and paid taxes all their lives, who took risks and made serious sacrifices, patriots, many combat war veterans who are already living on half of what they made before retiring see their buying power falling each year, and they still pay taxes only to see Biden and the left giving handouts to those who want a free ride on hard working honest citizens and destroying the morals and quality values of society as a whole. Illegals breaking our law before they even enter the country are here for one reason only, handouts and a free ride no matter what they claim and are versed by the loser left how to appear like a victim and what to say to the media. And we are suppose to believe that Biden and the left, socialist/communist democrats are loyal to this country and has it's best interest at heart? Yah, right. Biden and the left created thousands of new losers, entitled victims when they told so called students they wouldn't have to repay loans they took out so they could party and live high, literally, for four or five years while in college so he hoped they would vote for him and his loser democrats in the future. No one mentions that those poor students already received tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax dollars as grants they wouldn't have to pay back before they took out those loans. Previous generation, namely combat veterans were never given any such brakes and had to payback any loans they took out with interest..
No, the left and democrats are doing all they can to destroy this country with the help of the state controlled liberal news media.
The more those corrupt losers attack Trump I see Trump as someone who like us knows the need to put a stop to what they are doing and them personally and that is what they really fear, being held accountable.
I applaud the amount of words and time put into that. However, you do not include any sources or evidence. The use of un matching strong words in the paragraph makes it more of a un convincing rant than a convincing argument. The paragraph also is very bias with little consideration of the other side. (even though dont support trump and like biden better) this is not hate, this is just a suggestion for next time and how to improve for the next time. I had no intent of this being hate.